Brassica arvenis; Brassica kaber; Common names: English: California-rape, charlock, common mustard, field mustard, field kale, kedlock, wild mustard; French: moutarde des champs, moutarde sauvage; German: Ackersenf; Italian: senape; Portuguese: mostarda-dos-campos; Spanish: collejón
Description: Annual
Native regions and distribution: Native to temperate and tropical Asia, north Africa, Europe. Currently distributed widely across the world, including all of North America and Greenland
Urban habitat: Commonly found along roadsides, in disturbed areas.
Ecological function: Disturbance-adapted colonizer; food for wildlife; can grow in a wide variety of soil types.
History: Sinapis arvenis is edible and its leaves can be eaten raw or cooked. Its flowers and stems are also edible, eaten cooked as a vegetable or a garnish. When added to a salad, soups or sandwiches, it gives a spicy mustardy flavor. An edible oil can be produced from its seeds and has also been used as a lubricant or burned for lighting. Medicinally, the plant is said to be used in Bach flower remedies.