Common names (selected): English: thymeleaf sandwort, thyme-leaved sandwort; Chinese: 无心菜 (unripe); French: sabline á feuilles de serpolet; German: thymianblättriges Sandkraut
Description: Annual or biennial
Native regions and distribution: Native to Europe, temperate Asia, and North Africa. It is widely distributed throughout the world and common in all regions of the U.S.
Urban habitat: Commonly found in disturbed areas, gravel, near walls, meadows, and cultivated landscapes. It thrives sandy and rocky soils in full sun.
Ecological function: Disturbance-adapted colonizer of bare ground. Food and habitat for insects.
History / human uses: The exact date of the introduction of A. serpyllifolia into North America is unclear. In China and India, the plant has a history of medicinal use to treat cough, fever, tuberculosis, dysentery, bladder aliments, and used as a diuretic. The entire plant is edible and has commonly been used as a pot-herb.