Common names (selected) English: ash-leaved maple, box elder, Manitoba maple, maple ash, black ash, sugar ash; French: erable a feuilles de frene, aulne-buis, érable, érable à feuilles composes, érable à feuilles de frêne, érable à Giguère, érable à Giguère pubescent, érable argilière, érable du Manitoba, érable négundo (Canada); German: Eschen- Ahorn, Eschenahorn; Polish: klon jesionolistny; Italian: acero a foglie di frassino, acero americano
Description: Deciduous tree
Native regions and distribution: Native to North America. The range of the species has greatly expanded in North America through planting and subsequent natural regeneration and is spreading in the western USA. In Canada, although only native to the southern tip of Ontario, A. negundo is now naturalized in western provinces from Ontario to Nova Scotia. Currently it is also found across Europe, in China, eastern Australia, and New Zealand.
Urban habitat: tolerant of roadway salt and compacted spoil, commonly found in vacant lots, pavement openings, along railroad tracks, chain link fences, and near streams and rivers; thrives in full sun.
Ecological function: disturbance-adapted, provides heat reduction in paved areas, soil improvement, erosion control near streams and riverbanks, food and habitat for wildlife.
History/human uses: Acer negundo is a highly adaptable tree that is considered invasive in some regions of the country because of its adaptability. Many Native American tribes, including the Apache, Cheyenne, Dakota, Montana, Navajo, and Sioux, used parts of the tree for food, fuel, and for making tools and ceremonial items: its sap was used as a sweetener, its wood to make charcoal for ceremonial tattooing, and used as firewood for cooking meat. Medicinally, a tea made from its bark was consumed to induce vomiting.