Macfadyena unguis-cati
Cat’s-Claw Vine, cat claw ivy, claw vine, catclaw-creeper, catclaw-trumpet, funnel-creeper, yellow trumpet vine, macfadyena
Description: evergreen vine
Place of origin: West Indies, Mexico, Central America, South America
Urban habitat: commonly found along river and stream banks, fences, walls, trees, telephone poles; thrives in full sun and partial shade and tolerates a variety of soil types with the exception of those with high saline content; long-lived fast growing woody vine; forms a dense mat that can inhibit growth of other plants.
Ecological function: disturbance-adapted colonizer; food and habitat for wildlife; provides natural screen.
History: Macfadyena unguis-cati was introduced into the US in 1947 as an ornamental vine. In the US, it is found in Hawaii, Texas, LA, FL, Georgia and South Carolina. The plant is currently present on every continent except Antarctica. Outside of its native range, it is widely considered to be invasive due to its prolific growth habit. Its common name comes from its tripartite hooked tendrils which resemble a claw and allow the vine to adhere to tree bark. In its native range, the plant was used medicinally for treatment of dermatitis and other ailments.