Common names (selected): English: Amur amelopsis, amur peppervine, Asiatic creeper, porcelain berry, porcelainberry; Chinese: 蛇葡萄 (snake grape); French: vigne a fruits blues; German: Amur-Scheinrebe, Ussuri-Scheinrebe, Ussuri-Zaunrebe; Italian: vite virgine
Description: Deciduous woody vine
Native regions and distribution: Native to northwest Asia but currently found throughout North America where it is considered invasive.
Urban habitat: Commonly found along highway and railroad banks, forest edges, stone walls, and chain-link fences. It thrives in a wide variety of disturbed soils and readily overwhelms adjacent plants by forming a uniform blanket.
Ecological function: Disturbance adapted colonizer, food and habitat for wildlife. Can provide erosion control and stream and river bank stabilization.
History / human uses: A. brevipedunculata was introduced into North America in 1870 as an ornamental plant, prized for its beautiful blue fruits and highly dissected leaves. It escaped cultivation and is found throughout the eastern half of the US where it is considered invasive. In its native habitat, its fruits, roots and leaves have been used medicinally for treatment of bruises, blood clots, boils, and fevers. Its leaf buds, stems and fruits are edible, although are not widely considered palatable.