Rumex patientia
Patience Dock, garden patience, herb patience, monk’s rhubarb
Description: perennial
Place of origin: Eurasia
Urban habitat: commonly found in waste areas, roadsides, drainage ditches, oil fields, urban meadows.
Ecological function: disturbance-adapted colonizer.
History: Rumex patientia ranges across most of the continental US and parts of Canada and was probably introduced into North America with the arrival of European colonists. The Cherokee tribe found medicinal uses for the plant, using its leaves and roots to treat dysentery, skin problems, constipation, sore throat, and kidney aliments. The plant is commonly consumed as a leaf vegetable in Eastern Europe. The plant contains high levels of oxalic acid which when consumed in large quantities can cause mineral deficiencies and can aggravate conditions like arthritis, kidney stones, and hyper activity.